語られる真実 Truth, Unfolding
(聖廟 深夜)
Holy Mausoleum | Late Night
ハピ: う……、ここは……?
Hapi: Where the heck are we?
ユーリス: よう、これで全員お目覚めか。いやあ、良い朝だなあ。いや、今は夜かな。
Yuri: Finally, you're all awake. Good morning, sleepyheads. Or is it a good evening?
コンスタンツェ: ユーリス……貴方という人は! やはり賊は賊、信じるに値しない愚物ですのね!
Constance: Yuri! You scoundrel! You are unfit to speak to us, liar that you are!
ユーリス: ははっ、何とでも言えよ。そういうことは言われ慣れてるんだ。
Yuri: Yeah, yeah, liar, blah-blah. Nothing I haven't heard before.
バルタザール: ……言えよ、そろそろ。お前らの狙いは何だ?
Balthus: Look, pal, enough beating around the bush. What exactly are you trying to accomplish here?
Where's Aelfric? And what the hell are you plotting?
ユーリス: 一遍に聞くんじゃねえよ、面倒臭えな。こっちにも都合が……まあ、いいか。
Yuri: Questions, questions. You're wearing me out, Balthus. Fine, then. I'll lay it out for you.
Aelfric intends to reenact the Rite of Rising.
He's preparing everything as we speak.
ハピ: “宝杯の儀”って結局、何なの?誰かを生き返らせでもしたいわけ?
Hapi: What is this silly rite, anyway? He trying to do some crazy magic to raise the dead or something?
ユーリス: 宝杯に4人の使徒の血を捧げ、死者の魂と肉体をこの世に呼び戻す儀式……だそうだ。
Yuri: Actually, yes. By offering up the blood of the Four Apostles in the chalice, you can bring someone back to life.
Saint Seiros performed the ritual 995 years ago, but not enough blood was given up.
So the ritual was a bust. No clue what happened after that.
That's what Aelfric concluded after scouring the records, anyway.
And now, through extreme persistence, he's found and gathered the four of us, with our Crests.
He placed us under his direct supervision within the Ashen Wolf House, and he did all of it to ensure a successful ritual―the Rite of Rising.
コンスタンツェ: っ……つまりは私たちを殺して、血を搾り取ろうというのですわね!?
Constance: You mean to say that he intends to drain our blood? To kill us?!
Such an act would be unforgivable! An atrocity! I cannot die in this wretched hovel!
ハピ: ふーん、なんか痛そーだね。イヤだな、そーいうの。
キミは平気なわけ? ……四使徒の血ってことは、キミも死ぬわけじゃん?
Hapi: Yeah, that sounds painful...and permanent. Count me out.
Hang on―the number four includes you too, right? So you're gonna die too?
ユーリス: ああ、そうなるな。
Yuri: Yep. That's the idea.
バルタザール: はああ……おれは心底がっかりしたぜ。お前のことを見抜けなかったてめえによ。
Balthus: And here I thought we were close, but all this time you've been skulking around, deceiving us. It hurts, Boss. Hurts bad.
You wanna die, that it? Fine. I'll kill you myself. Just stop that crafty nonsense of yours and face me, fist to fist.
ユーリス: 勝手なこと言ってんじゃねえ。どぶの底で泥水啜って、今まで生き延びてきたんだ。
Yuri: Shut it. I've lived through hell and worse.
After clawing my way here, you really think I want to die.
バルタザール: なら……何であんな奴に従ってる。命をどぶ底に捨てる理由は何だ。
Balthus: Then why throw your life away for the likes of Aelfric?
ユーリス: 決まってんだろ。命より大事なものを、守るためだ。
Yuri: Some things are more important than my own life. Some things are worth protecting.
バルタザール: 大事なもの……?
Balthus: You're not making any damned sense!
アルファルド: ユーリス。君は余程、罰を受けたいようですね。
Aelfric: It would seem that you want to be punished severely, Yuri.
ユーリス: 何だ、脅してるつもりか? 罰だろうが折檻だろうが、こちとら慣れてんだよ。
Yuri: That some sort of threat? There's not much you can do to me that hasn't already been done.
アルファルド: 知っていますよ。君は体一つで貧民街を生き抜き、成り上がった。
Aelfric: True. You took wing from the mud into which you were born and rose to such great heights.
To break your spirit would take far too much effort.
Though, if I must, I will kill your mother in adition to your dear people.
バルタザール: それが、守りたいものか……。
Balthus: Oh... So that's it. You were trying to protect your mom.
コンスタンツェ: アルファルド様……貴方はいったい何をしたいのですか!?
Constance: Precisely what is it you are hoping to accomplish, Aelfric?
アルファルド: ……どんな犠牲を払っても、蘇らせたい人がいるのです。
Aelfric: To resurrect someone I lost long ago―no matter the cost.
Surely there are those for whom you'd do similar.
コンスタンツェ: ……っ! それは! だからといって、他者の命を踏み躙ってまで……!
Constance: Perhaps... Even so, never would we annihilate those we care for!
アルファルド: 誰を犠牲にしようと、私は厭いません。彼女を、取り戻すためならば……。
Aelfric: There's nothing I wouldn't do, nobody I wouldn't trade to see the light in her eyes once more...
バルタザール: その女は…………死んでる、のか?
Balthus: Whoa... that lady looks real dead, pal.
アルファルド: ええ……今は、ですがね。
Aelfric: She is...for now.